FDI into the Balkans slumped in 2013, according to data from crossborder investments monitor fDi Markets. The overall number of projects launched in the Balkans between January and November of 2013 was 17% lower than during the same period of 2012.
Moreover, the estimated number of jobs created by crossborder investments in the region contracted by 32% in 2013 to about 8100 jobs. However, overall capital investment decreased only slightly in 2013 to $2.70bn and the average project size actually increased by 31%.
The list of top destinations for investments in the Balkans remained largely unchanged in 2013, with Serbia being the most popular destination for FDI, ahead of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. However, all countries in the region saw the inflow of FDI decrease in 2013 except Montenegro, which recorded the same number of new projects. Albania, Slovenia and Croatia recorded the biggest year-on-year change in FDI inflows with the number of new projects contracting by 63%, 40% and 31%, respectively.
Among the biggest investors to the region, Germany remained at the top of the table, but the number of new projects originating in that country decreased by 33% in 2013. Meanwhile, companies from Austria and Italy, also among the top investors in 2012, limited their activity in 2013 by 65% and 45%, respectively.